ELBS Account FAQ

ELBS Accounts Installation FAQ
The best way to install Microsoft SQL Express is to install from ELBS Accounting CD.
This is because if you installed SQL Server from ELBS Accounting CD, we will always install it as ELBS50 instance name.
This problem is because there are some delay during Get Available Server which makes you cannot find it in the list, if you are sure your server name, you can type your server name and follows by ELBS50 to specify the ELBS instance.
The most likely reason is the SQL Server is blocked by firewall. The firewall might be Windows Window 7 firewall or Window 10 firewall, or other third-party firewall which comes with anti-virus software or anti-spam software. You should add an exception to the firewall or turn off the firewall in order to make it work.
By default, if you install SQL Express using ELBS Accounting CD, the setup program will automatically add exceptions to your Windows Firewall, so you don't have to do anything in order to allow other PC to connect to the server. However, if you found it not working, You can add to firewall manually
Please refer to the documentation or online help of the software for how to do it.
You can go to File and select Manage Account Book, select Attach Account Book then click on Get Available Server and select server. After that, click on Get Available Database and select ELBS file to attach.
You can save ELBS Accounting Data folder at drive C or location where you installed before format your PC. Once you had formatted your PC and reinstall ELBS Accounting, you can go to File, select Manage Account Book and click on Attach Database File. Click on Get Available Server to select your PC server which is in this format, your computer name and Instance ELBS50. Then, browse at Physical Data File column and select file from ELBS Accounting folder. Click OK once you had selected the file.
Yes, you can do it in ELBS Accounting Management Studio. Your can export data from other accounting all master file to excel file. form excel file you can import to ELBS Accounting
To install ELBS Accounting in Server PC, Go to the Server PC, put in the ELBS CDROM To install ELBS Accounting in Server PC, choose Network Installation, Server Installation, then click Next button and follow the on screen instruction to complete the installation. Create any empty folder in Server PC, share this folder to allow other network users to have read, or read and write permission. For instance, we shared at C ELBSSOFT as and folder name To install ELBS Accounting in client PC, Go to the Client PC, put in the ELBS CDROM. Choose Network Installation, Client Installation, then click Next button and follow the on screen instruction to complete the installation.
General FAQ
A document in ELBS Accounting means a transaction used for recording data which occurred at a specific date. The standard documents in ELBS Accounting consists of G/L documents, A/R documents, A/P documents, Sales documents, Purchase documents, Stock documents, and Manufacturing documents.
First, open the document to view, then click the Cancel Document to cancel it.
Right click any column, go to Column Chooser to customize grid layout. You can add / remove by drag-drop the column. Then, right click any column and select Save Grid Layout. Right click again any column and select Layout Manager. Here, you can assign different layout for different users at Assign Layout to Users tab
This means you are not allowed to use the function. If you really want to use the function, you should consult your ELBS Accounts administrator to give you the access right.
If you have administrator right, you can go to Tool and select User Maintenance. To change access right setting, select Rights button. On the Rights tree list, find your access right, then tick the users you would like to add to, then specify the rights to your for all screens and all functions. if selected then access not selected not accessed. then click Apply
You can go to Maintain and select Document Numbering Format Maintenance. Here, you can set numbering for different categories of document, e.g. G.L, Purchase, Sales and Stock.
To lock accounting period, you can go to Tools and select Manage Fiscal Year. Then, select fiscal year and click on Manage Period Lock. Manage Exceptions is to exclude certain user groups / individuals from locked by certain functions.
You can go to Tools and General Setting. Then you can select System Setting and tick on Decimals and Save it.
General Ledger FAQ
You can create new fiscal year. To do that, you can go to Tools and select Manage Fiscal Year. Then, highlight Fiscal Year 2017 and click on New Next Fiscal Year to create Fiscal year 2018.
First, you need to create fiscal year for year before. To do that, you can go to Tools and Manage Fiscal Year. Then, highlight Fiscal Year 2017 and click on New Previous Fiscal Year to create Fiscal year 2016. Transaction (Invoice, Debit Note, etc) which the date is earlier than fiscal year 2007 will be automatically classified as Opening Balance for Debtor.
To do depreciation, you can go to G.L. and select Journal Entry
To create new bank account, you can go to G.L. and select Account Maintenance. Click on Bank Account, under Special Account. Your new bank account will not appear if you create with New Normal Account
To create new deposit account, you can go to G.L. and select Account Maintenance. Click on Special Account and select Deposit Account New Special Account. Your new deposit account will not appear if you created with New Normal Account
First, you should make sure your Opening Balance is balance. And you must make sure the amount in Balance Stock Account in Opening Balance must be same as the amount of the previous month of fiscal year start date of Stock Value Maintenance.
Go to G.L. and select financial report (Balance Sheet, Profit & Lost or Trial Balance). Before preview, tick on Show Zero Balance option at the right.
You can go to G.L. and select financial report (Balance Sheet Statement, Profit and Lost Statement or Trial Balance Report). Here, you can select project under report format.
Customer/Supplier FAQ
To do deposit, go to Customer (AR) and select AR Deposit Entry. Click on Create a new Customer Deposit, select Deposit Account and Debtor Code, select Payment Method and enter other relevant information. To refund or forfeit deposit received, you can go to Customer (AR) and Select AR Deposit Entry. Select deposit transaction in listing screen and click on View. Then, click on Forfeit & Refund. Here, you can perform both forfeit and refund function at the same click. Click Save once you had completed the entry. To transfer deposit into received payment, you can go to AR, select AR Received Payment and click on Create a new Customer Payment. Once debtor code selected, select Deposit Received under Payment method. Tick to indicate which Invoice / Debit Note to be knock off. Click Save to complete the entry.
Forfeit / Refund function at AR Deposit Payment is to refund deposit while AR Refund is to refund advanced payment back to customer. For example, Debtor A had paid RM 100 deposit to purchase an item. For some reasons, Debtor A canceled the purchase. So we refund RM 500.00 back to Debtor A with Forfeit / Refund function at AR Deposit Payment. If Debtor A had advanced payment of RM 500.00, we will refund the RM 500.00 back to Debtor A in AR Refund Payment.
Yes, you can do it. But first you need to know how to use report designer.
The calculation is based on Invoice and Received Payment. You can go to Customer/Supplier create agent with Commission percentage. When Generate Sale Invoice/Payment select Agent
You can click on Customer/Supplier Menu Select Customer/Supplier Print Statement and Print Aging Report
You can go to AR and select Debtor Maintenance. Click on Credit Control and a dialog box will appear. Here, you can set Credit Limit, Credit Term�s Overdue Limit, action to be taken when credit exceeds limits or credit terms overdue (disabled, controlled by credit terms or suspend). If Credit Limit is 0 its mean no limit. Can Sale/Purchase Amount No limit
Sale FAQ
Click Create Sale Invoice. right click at empty place at header and select Import Sale Order. It's open new popup window form there you can select Sale Order to import after that save the Sale Invoice
Click Create Sale Invoice. right click at empty place at header and select Import Quotation. It's open new popup window form there you can select Quotation to import after that save the Sale Invoice
Sale Menu Select Sale Credit Note, to Knockoff Payment Detail Select Customer Credit note and Edit Sale Credit Note to knockoff with Sale Invoice/Sale Debit Note
Sale Menu Select Sale Credit Note, to refund select Customer Refund, Create New Refund and Select Customer it's show the Sale Credit Note to Refund. Select Payment Method and Knockoff the Amount and save
Can Import Sale Invoice/Cash Sale into Delivery Order or can make it's manual Delivery order. Its not effect any account or Stock its only note for delivery purpose
Purchase FAQ
In ELBS Accounting, Goods Received Note is no longer posting to Supplier Invoice. You should transfer your Goods Received Note to Purchase Invoice in order to post it to Supplier Invoice.
Select Purchase, Purchase Return, Create New Purchase Return, to knock off the purchase return select supplier Credit Note edit and Knockoff it with Purchase Invoice/Purchase Debit Note
Select Purchase Menu, Purchase Return, Create New Purchase Return, to refund the purchase return select supplier Refund with payment method and Knockoff it with Purchase Return
Stock FAQ
You can go to Tools and select Manage Fiscal Year. Click on New Previous Fiscal Year to create fiscal year for the year 2018. Next, go to G.L. and select Maintain Stock Value Fiscal Year 2018 and enter opening balance figure at December 2017 column.
Stock Group is used to define the account code used for Sales and Purchase document to post to G.L.
It began with smallest unit of measurement. For example, 1 box of soya bean drink contains 12 bottles of soya bean drinks. UOM will be maintained in such sequences at the left hand side of Stock Item Maintenance.
Yes, you can create new UOM under Maintain UOM. However, your stock card will only record UOM that you created in Stock Item Maintenance
Opening stock, Enter Stock quantity and reference cost, its auto save enter and stock quantity base on item and branch
Payroll FAQ
First Name, Last Name, date of birth, Education, Pay etc
To Generate Pay, have to define Allowance and dedication type, for example Absent dedication, over time Allowance.
have to define Salary period, when you generate salary slip then use current salary period and its also help to deduct if advance taken any defined salary period.